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I am a born and bred skeptic. I like the proof. I like the wise. All that good analytical stuff.

So when the idea of working with horses to help people was brought to me, I remember sitting back and thinking uh sounds a little crazy-cakes to me.

It wasn't until I saw an actual program happening that I saw the connection between the horse and the person. At that moment I thought okay I might be able to understand how this works a little bit.

But the one issue I had is that I had zero and I do mean zero horse experience. However, the benefit of not having any horse experience was that I always knew that the horse was speaking. I always knew that it wasn't a horsemanship thing, that they were always talking to us. Trying to help us, trying to teach us in some way.

I understood from that what horses could do for people but it really wasn't until it happened to me, that I truly found out how these horses are like unicorns. Theyā€™re basically magical beings in this world that can help us.

In the truly darkest time of my life is when the horses really did step up to show me that I had more within. It was that, my heart and my soul, they were worth saving and I only discovered that because of the horses.

People told me of course too, but I didn't believe people because in my experience people could lie and they had. But the horses I knew they couldn't lie. What they did for me was to truly bring me to an entirely different place of finding my true self, my authenticity, my ability to know that I was worth more.

The horses challenged me in a way that I had never been pushed before and it was because of that, I was able to step into my life and start anew. I had a chance to start being happy once again. My passion for this business comes from the fact the horses saved me.

My Comet boy, he was my rock. He was my dude, the guy who taught me that I did have more to give in this world and I was capable of it. I didn't understand that piece before that.

So if I can share that feeling. If I can do the same for other people out in this world where they know that they are worth more, my day is filled. My passion is there because of that piece.

The best part about this job is, I get to do that every single day that I live and breathe. We run programs and people find out ā€œahasā€ about themselves and about others in their lives. About how they can move forward and all of these pieces fill my cup every single day. This career has truly helped me to live a better life, to be a better mom, to be a better daughter, to be a better worker, to be a better partner for the people in my life and to be really truly, the truest version of myself.

I owe all of that to this career and where it has brought me. It's brought me to a whole new level of my life and I truly hope that I can inspire you or the horses can inspire you to get to that next level as well.



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