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Frequently Asked Questions

Freedom to do what you love. How does Equine Connection's certification course work ? Do you need to be a therapist? Why are you different? Is there a payment plan? Where are you located? And so much more!
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Equine Connection FAQs

"Too much happiness and relief, I realized after day two of taking this certification course that Equine Connection was precisely the objective-based, social-emotional ground work curriculum that I had been looking for over 5 years. Even after all my research with other equine-assisted programs/certifications, I could not find a research-based program for life skills with horses where I would not have to reinvent the wheel or be able to ensure results and not just happy, fuzzy moments. This course exceeded my expectations, and honestly believe the hype when people say they left feeling more empowered than when they began and reaped more than they expected. While Carolyn and Kari's infectious and powerful presence via social media was very attractive in making the (gulp) initial investment of purchasing the course, I was pleasantly surprised (maybe I'm just a tad too speculative or cynical) that their energy and positive intent was actually authentic and made the 5 days a real joy and inspiration to experience...



We help you go from dreaming to doing; our reputation is your guarantee! Living your passion, fulfilling your purpose, and embarking on a career with horses is truly priceless.

Australia / New Zealand

We help you go from dreaming to doing; our reputation is your guarantee! Living your passion, fulfilling your purpose, and embarking on a career with horses is truly priceless.

Usa / International

We help you go from dreaming to doing; our reputation is your guarantee! Living your passion, fulfilling your purpose, and embarking on a career with horses is truly priceless.

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"The Equine Connection Horse Certification is more than a certification, it's a turn key business well worth the cost of the investment!
Successfully passing other certifications left me with a feeling of accomplishment and a nice frameable certificate but that was it. This is the first certification course I have taken that actually gave me the answer to the "Now what?' question I typically have after completing a course.The course provides invaluable information and the business pack you receive at the end of the course has everything you need to get going on your business.
The Equine Connection Team is supportive and available every step of the way.

~ Karen Franco

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