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Equine Connection is a unique collaboration of industry professionals who are committed to the welfare of the horse. We collaborate with the world’s best! Take a listen to the Welfare of the Horse Series.


Chris Irwin - renowned horseman, personal coach and international best-selling author

Chris is a best-selling author published in 5 languages, and the ultimate Trainer of Trainers. The FEI recognizes Chris as a world leader in equestrian sport due to his "outstanding international reputation as a trainer and coach." Chris Irwin's insights are taught in universities and colleges throughout North America and Europe. He is the world leader in Empathetic Horsemanship.

Chris Irwin redefines equestrianism with a series of online courses that perfect the balance of science and empathy. We teach you to work with horses in way they truly understand and appreciate. This is the true mind of the horse.

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Equine Guelph - the horse owner’s Centre at the University of Guelph

We welcome Equine Guelph and its evidence-based knowledge of equine welfare, especially considering its relevance from the equine’s perspective. Equine Guelph is the horse owner’s Centre at the University of Guelph, supported and overseen by equine industry groups, and dedicated to improving the health and well-being of horses! We welcome them as a collaborating partner! 
Equine Connection Certificate with Distinction Program: 
Equine Connection will offer this special enhanced certification to students who complete three core short courses from EG offered in fall and winter on The Horse Portal:  Equine Guelph will offer a 15% discount for Equine Connection students for any short courses on The Horse Portal.
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Warwick schiller - Attuned Horsemanship

The concept of making the right easy and wrong thing hard is said a lot, and sounds like a nice catchphrase for smart natural horse people, however, really understanding it and being able to apply is very different than just saying it.

See things as a horse, understand a horse so you can do this, study the horse so you can understand them and treat a horse like a horse, not what we want a horse to be, not what we are told a horse should be, not what we see a horse as in movies and not what we wished our horse would be.

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Doug Walsh - Horse as a second language

Doug Walsh from Dark Horse Stables in Florida, who specializes in Natural Horsemanship is a master at building the proper relationship with horses based on how they communicate to us and how it applies to the welfare of the horse!

Get ready to grow your foundation of horsemanship by bringing you & your horse's world to new heights by enhancing your connection, communication & partnership!

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Schelli Whitehouse - The Equine Inspired Life

Schelli Whitehouse from The Equine Inspired Life teaches that when you are not in alignment with what you feel and what you think then you cannot be an effective leader for your horses or yourself.  Find out how to make the quantum leap into your next highest vision with your horses - all while ensuring that your business will serve you and your horses - to the highest need, while always keeping the welfare of these majestic creatures in mind!

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Jane Pike - The Confident rider

Science has shown us that at a quantum level, we are all connected; the foundation of transformational horsemanship is the search for that fusion as a felt understanding, the molecular and conscious connection between ourselves and our horses.

When you bring science and spirit together, you get correctness with connection. You have the mind, but you also have the heart. Bringing both together is the difference between simply riding and practicing horsemanship as art.

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This site is designed so that our clients and organizations who are considering hiring one of our certified facilitators around the world will take comfort in knowing they are qualified, being an expert in their field. Number one thing our facilitators provide is SAFETY! The welfare of their horses is always foremost as that provides safety to all the clients participating in these results-oriented programs.

You will also find a comprehensive list of certified facilitators, facilitation centres and educational facilities, find quality certified EAL facilitators. 

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Horse Welfare Series Your life is about to change.

Watch all of our collaboraters in this fabulous series focused on how we can best serve our horses! 


We help you go from dreaming to doing; our reputation is your guarantee! Living your passion, fulfilling your purpose, and embarking on a career with horses is truly priceless.

Australia / New Zealand

We help you go from dreaming to doing; our reputation is your guarantee! Living your passion, fulfilling your purpose, and embarking on a career with horses is truly priceless.

Usa / International

We help you go from dreaming to doing; our reputation is your guarantee! Living your passion, fulfilling your purpose, and embarking on a career with horses is truly priceless.

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