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Our Journey Around the World: Part 6 – P.E.I.

Off to the East Coast! We hadn’t been out East since we had travelled with Strathmore Heritage Days, so we were excited to go out and eat lobster and sing the Unicorn Song once again! We got off of the plane to a sunny day and remembered one of the reasons why we loved Charlottetown, PEI… because of the airport. What a great little airport! Friendly people; we didn’t get lost; it didn’t take six hours to get to the other side – this is good stuff! So in record timing we had our rental car and were on our merry way! We had rented a little old historic house in Charlottetown and made our way to it without getting lost (we know, we were surprised too). We arrived at our little house and headed on in to explore. The little garden area was adorable and the house had that historic feeling and simply beautiful character. The only issue was that the heating was also similar to how it would have been in the 1800’s which was pretty much non-existent. As it turns out, May is still pretty chilly in PEI and we had never been more happy to have our winter coats.

The first night in the house we went up to bed (with socks and extra sweaters on) and all of a sudden, Kari hears Carolyn start to laugh and laugh, so she goes to see what’s happening.  Carolyn had just had the bejeebers scared out of her when she opened the closet as there was old dressing gowns hung creepily in the closet. The closet door remained fully closed for the rest of the trip.

We headed out to meet the host and the horses. What a amazing group. One of the horses was actually missing one eye, but wow. What a teacher. These horses never cease to amaze us in what they are capable of.

The course began and we had an AMAZING group of women. The very first day, we actually had two of our facilitators ask us if they could meet with us after to pick our brains a little. Well we had never had that happen before! We met up with our fantastic team that evening and what amazing questions!

In the evenings we would try to head out into town to see what was around and came across this little second hand vintage store called Robin’s & Ruby’s Emporium. We ended up hanging out there for an hour chatting with the owners and looking through all of the items. What a connection that we made with them and even took a selfie to prove it! 

By the end of the course we were officially frozen, but happy as could be! We headed out for a big lobster dinner with everyone the last night and then headed off to our favourite little airport in the morning to head on home!



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