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Our Journey Around the World: Part 2 – Standoff, AB

This is super exciting because we had a group from Standoff, Alberta who all went take the certified EAL course.

We had an amazing opportunity to help out a group from Standoff, Alberta but unfortunately the weather was flipping freezing out! So we made the trek down town to find our beautiful hotel, which was by no means beautiful, but it was the best hotel in Standoff. Not only that, it was the hotel as featured in the Motion picture,  Brokeback Mountain! And of course for those of you who know us and our story of being life partners it was fitting for us to stay there! Of course being the losers that we are we had to take a picture in front of the place. We met the lovely man who owned it who was quite eager to tell us did tell us that Heath Ledger is dead. We arrived in our room to find there were no windows and it was cold and the TV did not work and there was hair in the bathtub and hair in the sheets. We were not thrilled to say the least. So to make a bad situation much better we went to the store for copious amounts of food. Then after buying all of the food in the store we went out for dinner.

After a dinner that was decent, we went back to the room to set up our TV relax situation for the night. Since there was still no TV working, and no table in the room, we pulled up a chair between our two cement style softness beds and laid back to watch a movie on our wee little iPad.

We made it through the week, the course was fantastic and the facilitators were amazing (even if they told us half way through the week that the first time they met us they thought we were gay). So we thought we would go for a nice steak dinner. We walked into the restaurant which was a little bit like walking into a ghost town. There was seating for probably 200-300 people, however, we were the only souls in the place. Kari asked for a nice well done steak and Carolyn for hers to be medium rare. What came back was a little different. Carolyn received a slab of rubberized meat about an 1/8 of an inch thick and Kari received a very well done inch thick steak. Which was a touch odd in the first place. Upon eating our leather, we decided to give up and go home… however, we could not find our waitress.  Carolyn walked into the kitchen after 15 min to find the cook who informed us that she was out on a delivery and wouldn’t be back for another 20 min… and that he also didn’t know how to run the cash register. Well at this point, we were ready to go. We self tabulated what we thought would be the amount for the bill and left cash with the cook who promised to text us with the receipt later that day. The cook actually did send us a copy of the receipt afterwards.

On the way home, we needed some tunes. However, the radio was not working for some reason and the iPod would not connect. So, we stopped to buy a tiny little speaker that fit perfectly in a 16 oz cup for a little extra oomph for the beats! And off we went home! Stay tuned for our next EAL journey!



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