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“We all have one purpose and it is simple; we are here to help others. Everything else is extraneous.”
By Kari Fulmek

Finding a “purposeful” life or “purposeful work” is a goal I hear repeatedly as I interact with participants in our Certified School, Women’s Workshops and Team Events programs at Equine Connection.

It is the age old philosophical question that has puzzled generations: what is our purpose?
Our purpose is first to identify our gifts that each of us has within us, and bring them to light and spread them across the expanse of the world.

Our overall purpose for living then is to use these gifts to help empower others.
It is not complicated, even though many people leave this world without ever totally grasping it.

Your inner gift is all that you truly possess in life. How you use it is the measure of your empowerment. You will never find your life purpose if you cannot bring out the gift inside of you and use it to empower others.

True empowerment is not like a lightning bolt that hits you out of the sky and ignites you with some superpower.

Instead, it is a gradual process of self-awareness of what your special gift is in life and how you can use it.

When you seek to find your inner power and assume control of your life, you need to find that place within you where the real you emerges and you can clearly see the nature of your special gift.

Some people find it in our arena interacting with horses. They learn about themselves in new ways from their 1,200 pound teachers.

Still others find it through a moment in nature or a quiet meditation. I found mine in a combination of my horses and the mountains that are a constant part of my vista as well as the spiritual forces in my life.

There is no age that governs when you will find your true gift. One of the programs I like best in my company involves youth. We run curriculum program over 12 weeks with youth ages 9 to 18 and I watch how the horses help them discover their own gifts and how they can be used to accomplish life goals, as well as helps them to build the skills to achieve them.

In other programs, such as our women’s workshops, I see women in their 60s suddenly understand their gift and their power, and it is just as beautiful to watch them come into their own.

Take some time today to consider what your special gift is and how you can pull it out of yourself to benefit others.

Kari Fulmek is the author of “Two Weeks to Empowerment: How to take charge of your life and find your true purpose” and the founder and owner of Equine Connection – The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning Inc. She is a Certified Master EAL Instructor and a Certified EAL Facilitator. From her base near Calgary, AB in the foothills of Canada’s Rocky Mountains, she travels the globe to empower clients. To learn more about Kari, visit her website at:



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