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“No matter how much you love what you are doing now, you must periodically consider if this is what you should still be doing.”
By Kari Fulmek

It is quite easy to leave the things we dislike in life.

But it goes against our nature to strike out again when we have really grown comfortable. In fact, when you are sitting in your favourite chair in your coziest place, it really doesn’t cross your mind to leave it.

Contentment is a beautiful thing and not to be easily dismissed.

But as tough as it is, even when you feel comfortable and content with your work and your life, you need to examine it objectively on a regular basis to ensure that you are not riding a wave that will ultimately tow you under.

You don’t need to go looking for trouble, but you do need to stop and ask yourself a few times each year if your true needs are being met and if you are going on the journey that will take you to your destination.

If you consider all aspects of your life and you feel happily satisfied on all essential fronts, that is a wonderful space and there’s nothing wrong with staying there for the time being.
But if during your examination of things you get an uneasy feeling that you may have just settled because it was convenient at the time, then you have to dare to unhinge that thought from all the others and pull it out for a thorough examination.

I left a career that I had loved a decade into it because I suddenly realized that what I had loved most about it was changing. I left another career after a number of years because I suddenly realized the road it was taking me would never meet with the road of my destination.

At each stage of life and as we read and learn and grow, our perspectives change and what once delighted us and made us feel comfortable can suddenly bore us and make us feel stagnant.

In our culture today where the person with the fullest schedule runs the race to be winner, it is rare that people take pockets of time off to just consider how their life is going.
Whether you take your cup of coffee out to your front porch to look at the horizon as I do, or whether you sit at a busy sidewalk café and watch the streetscape, you need to consider your life journey.

Is where you are now where you want to end up? What will you do if it changes, because it will change? Is the inner you still happy? Are you using your special gifts every day?
Honest answers to these questions will help you to determine whether to stay or to start looking around for the road to move you ahead on your life journey.

Kari Fulmek is the author of “Two Weeks to Empowerment: How to take charge of your life and find your true purpose” and the founder and owner of Equine Connection – The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning Inc. She is a Certified Master EAL Instructor and a Certified EAL Facilitator. From her base near Calgary, AB in the foothills of Canada’s Rocky Mountains, she travels the globe to empower clients. To learn more about Kari, visit her website at:



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