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Working “With” Your Horse VS “Using” w/ Schelli Whitehouse @ The Equine Inspired Life

“If you don't know where you’re going you're sure to get there.” - Yogi Berra Schelli Whitehouse stumbled into her dream 11-years ago. She always knew that she wanted to work with horses. She always knew she had to have horses in her life. She didn’t want to be a...
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“And don’t call me Shirley”

AIRPLANE: ”Surely you can't be serious." "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley." Communication is a funny thing. What seems so simple coming out of our mouths can be heard in a completely different way by the receiver of the message. I suppose that this blog isn’t just on...
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“No Foot. No Horse.” w/ Jason Skoog

“No Foot. No Horse.” How can we best take care of our horses from the ground up? Have you ever been in the instance when you were with your horse, and you had a farrier that was good at their job, but it didn’t feel like they left your horse...
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WOW! Florida!

Jupiter Florida We have one word for this trip and it is WOW! A simple word used to describe the good and the bad. So let’s begin. We started the trip by inevitably getting off the plane… WOW, we couldn’t believe the weather! It was toasty warm, almost a 60...
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Horses Have the Right to Think For Themselves. w/ Doug Walsh – Natural Horsemanship Trainer

Horses Have the Right to Think For Themselves. It’s not our job to determine how a horse should be. How they should think. Or what they should fear. Horses have the right to think for themselves. Horses are prey animals and unlike us, as humans, we are predators. They're 98%...
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Making the Wrong Thing Hard and the Right Thing Easy w/ Warwick Schiller @ Warwick Schiller Performance Horsemanship

Making the Wrong Thing Hard and the Right Thing Easy. Understanding “making the wrong thing hard and the right thing easy”, is often hard for us as people, as it is all about allowing the horse to have control. In a sense, as people, we’re control freaks. We want to...
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How Does Mindset & Connection Play a Role In Horse Welfare? w/ Jane Pike @ Confident Rider

How Does Mindset & Connection Play a Role In Horse Welfare? We had the great honour of chatting with Jane Pike, from Confident Rider, a global figure in transformational horsemanship, helping horse riders, as well as non-horse riders get their head in the right space to do what they want...
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Equine Welfare – Why Is It So Important?

Equine Welfare - Why Is It SO Important? Horses and equines are the superstars of our livelihoods, whether they be our companions, our workmates, or our business partners! This makes it so entirely important to make sure that they have the best welfare, and this includes in their daily lives,...
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”They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!”

”They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!”(Braveheart, 1995) Freedom is one of those things that means more to people than they even know.  We have heard the term micro-managing in the leadership circles many many times, but ultimately, micromanaging should be called smothering.  Look at the...
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“In 18 years I’ve never heard my daughter.”⁣⁣

⁣⁣✨We were in Texas, and a mother daughter team came in to experience one of our programs, Push Me Pull You, working with horses. This particular day was all about communication.⁣⁣⁣⁣✨They had come in, sat down beside each other, not saying much. We briefed the program and what it was...
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Simple can sometimes be the most profound

The first course that people take when coming to the Equine Connection is the Orientation. It is a way for clients to familiarize themselves with the horses and how the horses will "speak" as their teachers. A group of women came into the program. Some fearful of the horses, others...
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Carolyn’s Story

If you would have told me ten years ago that one day I would be working with horses facilitating life skills, I would have called you a liar. I’m a little different than most of the people that have done this course in the fact that I had no horse...
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