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​If you are not throwing kindness around like confetti, you are doing it wrong.

Kindness is such a simple word - and it is simple to be as well, as long as we make it a priority.  The world is in a weird place. A place that seemingly has left kindness by the wayside.  But what we can learn from horses on how kindness...
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Does horse health = horse welfare?

Does horse health = horse welfare? Cause you don’t know, what you don’t know, until you do know.  Horse welfare is something here at Equine Connection that we pride ourselves in. That is what our certification is all about. Partnering vs. using the horse, meaning that we are going to...
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It’s Time To Release!

Releasing is an important part of life for us to move forward and let go of those things we carry heavily around. It is not only important for ourselves, but for our horses too. We need to find ways that work for us because we are all different and therefore,...
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Excuses 101

Excuses 101: What's Yours? Are you one to constantly make excuses for yourself? Today they stop. They stop us from doing what we are called to do. In life, we come across many different situations, in which we often come up with excuses because of fear. One of the biggest...
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​“I’m reliving the same day over and over.”

A few months, then things will get back to normal.  No? Ok… a few more. Nope. Still not.  Mandatory what? WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHRISTMAS IS CANCELLED! 2020 quickly gave us some serious empathy for Bill Murray's character in Groundhog Day.  Mondays, Thursdays, Sundays… it was all the same. Working...
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Chatting with Emily Bertrand

Keeping a business alive during this COVID craziness has been nothing but challenging to say the least.For many companies this has been a time of a big shift, and unfortunately in some cases has led to being shut down.However, there are people on the other side of the table who...
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What is an EAL facilitator anyway?

Let's be honest, 2020 is oodles of crazy.  I don't know if you guys have all heard it - but there seems to be a big thing going around that…As soon as we hit 12:01am on January 1st, everybody's supposed to yell, “Jumanji!”  Anyways - on a more professional note...
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Charlie’s Story

Here at Equine connection, we are giving the opportunity to work with so many amazingly beautiful humans. We have had so many positive experiences but one of them that stands out is when we worked with the junior high students from the local reserve. I want to take a moment...
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Reflecting on 2020 – “I wanna be, where the people are..”

By the time we got home, the two week quarantine was in place. That meant Kari having to always keep distance from her hubby, Carolyn’s daughter having to stay at her dads, and no hugs - that is NO HUGS - or touching for two whole weeks. This is where...
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Reflecting on 2020 – “Well, that escalated quickly.”

These seemed no better quote to describe our first, and as we were to discover later, last trip to the USA of 2020. It started as a normal year. We had plans to head to North Carolina, California and Vermont to run our certification courses.  Five days in each place...
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Out of The Mouths of Babes!

With all the negativity and craziness that we have had to deal with this year, we thought we could take a moment to spread some light on some more “uplifiting” stories that we have experienced during our 14 years of this business. To begin this story I would like to...
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The Horse Welfare Series

Equine Connection is a unique collaboration of industry professionals who are committed to the welfare of the horse. We collaborate with the world's best! Take a listen to the Welfare of the Horse Series. We welcome Equine Guelph and its evidence-based knowledge of equine welfare, especially considering its relevance from...
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