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Life and death are inevitable: a gentle reminder

"With life and death inevitable, what matters and what we have control over is how we move through life."By Kari Fulmek When you realized that you are empowered to control yourself, it changes almost everything about your life. It is much easier to shoot straight from the hip. Say what...
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Imagine more than you can see

"If you are living in comfort regularly, you are living in the wrong place. Complacency is a horrible place to spend your days. If you are not moving forward, you will stagnate and die a little every day."By Kari Fulmek I was inspired by the late Steve Jobs in my...
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What Napoleon taught me about life

"When I was a teenager looking for empowerment in my life, I found it in Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich. To this day it is still the most amazing book I ever read. It gave me the idea that life was going to give back to me whatever...
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When is your burden too great?

"Some people believe we are only given the burdens we can handle to build our character. I don’t buy that. Who can know who will break and who will empower themselves to come back for another round with fate?"By Kari Fulmek When I woke up the morning after my beloved...
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Classrooms aren’t the only place to learn

"As a child, I didn’t operate from a place of strength. I felt stupid all the time in school and I just didn’t fit in the classroom setting as I got older, even though I stayed with it to get through Grade 12."By Kari Fulmek It took me years to...
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Does your agenda match your purpose?

"True empowerment means living your life so that you are filled with a sense of purpose every single day. Your work doesn’t feel like work; it feels like life."By Kari Fulmek Living empowered means making sure that your agenda allows you the time and space to be all that you...
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Sometimes life’s picture needs a new frame

"The art of reframing change is a fine skill to develop if you want to live the width of your life as well as its length."By Kari Fulmek Not all change that happens to us appears in a good way. Some of it shocks us, numbs us, and frightens us...
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How can a horse teach you about yourself?

"By understanding why and how horses are aware of every movement, you will come to know how effective equine-assisted learning programs are to finding success."By Kari Fulmek Marketing the idea that horses can empower people was an uphill climb when I first started my business Equine Connection in 2009. The...
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How do you intend to use your empowerment?

"At a certain point in our lives, we need to ask ourselves the hard question about what we intend to use our personal empowerment to accomplish. Do you want to make lots of money, just be happy yourself, or use it to fuel others? Only you can judge. For me,...
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Money matters, but not as much as we all think

"There is no denying that money is a factor in all our lives. We need food to eat, clothing to keep us warm, and shelter from the weather. But money and the fear of losing it is the biggest barrier to the true empowerment of most people. It shouldn’t make...
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Empowerment is a learned skill

"In our culture, too often we define power as something you have or you don’t. We fail to understand it is not a fixed commodity that only certain people can attain. Power is our capacity to live authentically and get things done. We can all grab a slice of it."By...
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Tell your unique story in life

"You have a story that sets you apart from everyone else. People connect to you because of your story. Nobody has it easy in life! It’s how you pull your story together into a cohesive life that defines your empowerment."By Kari Fulmek Your story is the only thing that really...
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