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Who are your special guides in life?

"Being empowered means that you can do what you want to do alone. But it also means that you will be guided by others if you let them into your life. With their help, you will be able to do more and you will do it faster and better. Do...
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How to wrestle your ideas into reality

"Ask yourself what’s the worst thing that can happen if you make a change in your life? Usually the answer to that is: “it won’t work.” Can you survive if it doesn’t? More importantly, can you survive if you don’t try?"By Kari Fulmek Life is hard and change is hard....
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When was the last time you learned something new?

"With every step you move forward towards empowerment, you find yourself learning new things about life, about the world around you, and about yourself. When was the last time you learned something new, either informally through friends or reading, or formally by taking a course?"By Kari Fulmek I was in...
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Moving towards the work you were meant to do

"In her 1941 diary, Anais Nin wrote that there is an ugliness in being paid for work one does not like. Almost 80 years later, we still grit our teeth and celebrate “Hump Days” on Wednesday that slide our workweek downhill from there into Freedom Fridays. Imagine if you liked...
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Be clear about your intention in life

"Always focus on your intention. Live in the present and believe fully that you will achieve what you set out to do."By Kari Fulmek When people who have never worked with horses before start to engage with their four-legged teachers, they are sometimes frustrated that they cannot get horse to...
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Our Journey Around the World – Peace River, AB

Our Journey Around the World: Part 9 - Peace River, AB Peace River, Alberta… It’s not a name you hear too often, but nonetheless, it is an absolutely breath taking town that everyone should visit! The trees, the river, the town! All of it is just way too sweet. We...
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You don’t have to make all your choices at 20

"Don’t ask your college graduate what they want to do with their life. How could they possibly know?"By Kari Fulmek My three daughters were born just a year apart from each other, so for three consecutive years, one of them was packing up and leaving the family home. One wanted...
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Flaunt conventional goal timelines for fun and profit

"Conventional thinking is to set “smart” goals which means to draw them out in detail and put timelines on them. The shocking truth is it works even better when you have a general idea of what you want to do and you just go do it."By Kari Fulmek My late...
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Why you need to leave your comfort zone

"No matter how much you love what you are doing now, you must periodically consider if this is what you should still be doing."By Kari Fulmek It is quite easy to leave the things we dislike in life. But it goes against our nature to strike out again when we...
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Trade “ought” for “want” when deciding what to do

"Most of us live life governed by a sense of what we are “supposed” to do. If we were guided instead by what we want to do, think how different our lives would be."By Kari Fulmek There is no good or bad time to leave a marriage that is not...
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Are you putting off being happy?

"A philosopher once said that there are few things human beings are more dedicated to than unhappiness. Most people want to be happy, but they are too willing to accept that it is something they can put off while they wade through their current unhappiness."By Kari Fulmek If I had...
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Our Journey Around the World – New Hampshire, USA

Our Journey Around the World: Part 8 - New Hampshire, New England WOOHOO! Our first time heading down to the States for an EAL School and we are PUMPED!  We flew into Boston and true to Kari and Carolyn style, followed the GPS and got lost. But with one quick...
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